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  • 31 Mar 2018 21:00 | Anonymous

    Wrekinsport CC Chris Edwards Hilly 18

    A rearranged event on a rearranged course saw two fantastic inaugural records set in Round 2 of the Friction Hydraulics Series - with 17 year-old Ben Healy showing tremendous promise. With heavy snow cancelling the original date of 3rd March for Wrekinsport CC's Chris Edwards Hilly 18 and long-term traffic lights controlling Stableford bridge a revised 17.4 version of the traditional course starting and finishing on the 'Rabbit Run' was brought into play, with Healy taking an audacious overall win in 36 minutes 48 seconds.

    Riding for Zappi RT, the young rider was visibly quicker on the tough climb of The Hermitage than any other entrant, putting his light weight to good use. Healy was delighted with his win, commenting: "It was great to be able to do the rearranged race. Setting such a good time looks good for some UK and European races with time trial stages I've got in April. Let's hope I can make it back next year".

    Matt Gibbons set out his stall out for the season early, heading to the top of the Friction Series standings thanks to registering the best effort from a County rider. Nova Raider Gibbons posted an impressive time of 41:32 to beat Ludlow Breweries' Jack Wilson by 50 seconds. Gibbons was pleased with his effort after a low key entry to the Series six days earlier, stating: "I was really pleased to have put in a good ride after last week where I wasn’t feeling great. A lot of people couldn’t make it, but I concentrated on the clock and was much improved on last year. Thanks to all the marshals and supporters on course".

    Wilson meanwhile hadn't turned a pedal in race mode after returning from a training week in Majorca. One of nine new riders who were able to make the rearranged date, Wilson made an immediate impact, not only taking the runner-up spot but also leading The Brewers to the team win with support from Gary Walters and Chris Davies for a combined time of 2:12:11 - and knew just what was responsible: "Majorca gains! My first time trial of the season, I only sat on my TT bike for the first time five days before the race so I was happy with my form. Surprised with the team win"!

    Ludlow Breweries weren't finished there with Walters taking third County spot in 43:35 as well as victory in the Veteran's Series with a +4:27, 1:33 ahead of Ludlow CC's William Baugh who nevertheless moved to the top of the Veteran's Series thanks to that runner-up place. Walters also attributed his success to the club's Majorca training week - but for different reasons to Wilson: "I've just been on The Brewer's Race Team training week - it seems like the late night re-hydration sessions paid off"!

    Emma Serjeant took the honours in the Women's Series, setting an excellent Course Record of 47:32 - and moving into the joint lead of the Women's Series with Hafren CC team mate Rebecca Richardson. Serjeant pushed Debbie Hutson-Lumb into the runner-up spot, with the Nova Raider posting a very creditable 51:39. Serjeant commented: "It was definitely a challenging course but I felt strong. I'm really pleased with my effort, and it was nice to see where I’m at early season. Thank you to all the organisers and marshals".

    Wrekinsport's Adam Mumford took the club's Chris Edwards Trophy in 45:03.

    Results at: 2018 The Hilly (18 Miles)

  • 11 Mar 2018 15:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Wrekinsport are delighted to announce the date for the rerun of the cancelled Chris Edwards Hilly 18 - Saturday, 31st March at 2pm utilising the same course and HQ. All entrants to the cancelled event will retain their existing race number. New entrants will be allowed but will be added to the end of the existing field. Paper entries for those additional riders will close strictly on Tuesday, 20th March and a new start sheet will be issued shortly afterwards.


    Dave Fletcher



  • 11 Mar 2018 09:00 | Anonymous

    Missed out on your RideLondon place this year? All is not lost!

    One of the benefits of joining a British Cycling affiliated club such as Wrekinsport Cycling Club is access to all sort of goodies. British Cycling have secured more spaces in Ride London which they are releasing to members of BC affiliated clubs such as ourselves.

    More details on the member only pages:

    Please note that in order to quality for entry you will need to be both a current member of Wrekinsport CC but also a member of British Cycling.

    Be part of the Wrekinsport CC team......Why not join us on a bike ride in Telford


  • 9 Mar 2018 09:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Negotiations are currently in progress for a rerun of the Chris Edwards Hilly 18 TT. Details will be announced shortly when fully confirmed. 

    Link to the new event: https://wrekinsport.org.uk/event-2856839

    Dave Fletcher

    Wrekinsport CC Race Secretary 

  • 9 Mar 2018 09:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Wrekinsport Cycling Club in Telford  kick off their club time trial programme on Wednesday, 4th April 2018 with the first of two 5 mile 'Sprint 5' events. Taking place on the A442 between Crudgington and Shawbirch, Telford, these are a good way to blast off the cobwebs for experienced time triallists whilst being an excellent distance for beginners. HQ is The Woolpack, Shawbirch in Telford with both starting at 6:30pm. You don't need a dedicated time trial bike, any bike will do. 

    Link to the event is below:


    Dave Fletcher

    Wrekinsport CC Race Secretary 

  • 3 Mar 2018 09:00 | Anonymous

    It is with great regret that this afternoon's scheduled Wrekinsport CC Chris Edwards Hilly 18 time trial is cancelled. Up until late yesterday evening the course and lanes around HQ were in a reasonable condition, but additional snow during the evening has put paid to that and caused safety concerns. The bike club which is based in wellington, Telford will discuss whether to apply for a revised date at their next meeting.


    Dave Fletcher


  • 25 Feb 2018 19:00 | Anonymous

    Thanks to everyone that supported our reliability this morning, we raised over £500 for the air ambulance and everyone respected the minutes silence for Mick Jeggo and Tim Stubbs. 

    Excellent day. Hope you enjoyed the head wind! cheers all.


    Dave Moore - Wrekinsport CC Chairman

  • 22 Feb 2018 10:37 | Anonymous

    Mick Jeggo

    Mick was a prominent racing member of the club in the late 1950’s (along with Roy Clements and Graham Bufton). The team being regular winners of most of the events that they entered, indeed the discussion in the changing rooms before the start often involved asking who of the other riders was going to win the sprint for 4th place they were so dominant. Two of those three riders became National Junior RR champions in 1957 and 58, alas It was the other two who were the victorious riders but Mick no doubt played his part in the team tactics to ensure that the team mate could take the honours.

    As a family came along so racing had to take a back seat but he continued to support and help the club through a particularly difficult time in it’s history when during the middle part of the 1960s it looked at one point that it would fold due to lack of numbers. He was also busy during this time in setting up his car sales business, Davies and Jeggo Motors. One of Mick’s dreams was to put on a prestigious cycling race and in 1970 that came about with his business promoting an event for Professional riders on a circuit around Newport and Edgmond. This was to become an annual event and eventually the best race on the Pro calendar, it came as no surprise that he was asked to promote it as the National Championship. This was such a success that it was also the Championship for the following two years as well. By then the race had grown in status that it had moved to a circuit that had the finish line in Newport High Street.

    The club slowly improved in numbers and had gained a healthy number of young riders by the mid 1970’s and this included his son Nick, so Mick got back to riding a few events once more to support him. During this time the club became a sponsored club for the first time, Mick being instrumental in gaining Van Beek Motor Spares as the sponsor that ran for three years. Another benefit to the club was that the winner of the now annual Davies & Jeggo race was invited to be the guest speaker at the clubs presentation night and some of the top racing names of the time such as Phil Bayton, Paul Carbutt, and Keith Lambert handed out the prizes to the winning club riders.

    Having held the National Championship for three years running it was going to be difficult to top that using the same format so the event was evolved into the Newport Nocturne, a fast moving criterium facing through Newport High Street and also the cobbled St Mary’s Street under street lighting. This drew massive crowds into the town and people came from many miles away to enjoy the evening. Also at this time Mick was invited to become President of the club, a role that he was extremely proud to hold and a fitting testament to his help over many years.

    The club and the cycling world in general will be a sadder place for his passing and the club offers its deepest sympathy to his wife Maureen and to , Di and Holly at this time.

    Shropshire Star

  • 22 Feb 2018 09:00 | Anonymous

    Wrekinsport CC are putting on some fully coached group riding coaching sessions at Shrewsbury Sports Village. These bike sessions will take place over the 4 weeks in June on Tuesday evenings in Shrewsbury.

    Group riding forms the basis of most types of road riding. Even if you race time trials, do sportives or just want to go on club runs you are likely to train in a group at some point and you are going to need the techniques and understand the etiquette and protocols for safe, effective group riding. If you have an ambition to race on the road or on circuits, you will certainly need these skills.

    Riding in a group is satisfying and rewarding. It involves learning and practising a host of the fundamental skills you need to be a cyclist like, following a wheel, riding in pairs, ‘through and off’, cornering, pace lines, gear selection, handling, communication etc.

    It is skills based so fitness levels are secondary, it works best with a group of 10 to 12 riders and everybody will take away some new skills they have been able to practice in a traffic free environment. It’s also really good fun, promise!’

    To book your place please see the links to the events below:



    To join a bike, bicycle club in Telford please see link below:



  • 19 Nov 2017 17:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Shropshire Cycling Clubs Association Presentation 2017

    Almost 100 riders and supporters cheered on the winners at Shropshire Cycling Clubs Association's annual prize presentation with club runs converging on Ellerdine Village Hall for a relaxed ceremony and social. Riders took advantage of the refreshments on offer courtesy of the hall's tireless committee and a chance to catch up during the close season. SCCA Chair Helen Tudor then opened proceedings, speaking about the high level of friendly competition apparent in 2017 in a full and well-supported season-long programme of events. She then introduced guest of honour Ruth Williams to hand out the medals and trophies from a groaning table, including three brand new Hill Climb Trophies introduced due to the extremely positive feedback received about this short, sharp season closing Series.

    All the major winners received boisterous support from the floor as they collected their awards, with Hafren CC's Bryn Davies picking up an incredible five individual awards including the Shropshire Championship Shield after winning the Friction Hydraulics Series, The Inter-Club Shield for winning the SB Sports Injuries Series and The President's Trophy for being the most competitive rider of the season. Davies has been a constant feature at events during 2017 and these awards are richly deserved for this popular rider.

    Long-distance specialist Victor Chetta mounted a successful defence of both the Best all Rounder and 100 mile competitions, taking home The Cliff Ash BAR and Jack Parker Trophies which he has held since 2015. But the Mid Shropshire Wheeler wasn't finished there as he added the 50 Mile trophy to his palmarès for the first time.

    The Women's championships saw some tough competition with spoils being shared. Revolutions Racing's Pauline Hughes won four awards: The Shropshire Women's Championship Shield, The Gordon Davies Women's Trophy, The Women's 100 mile Trophy and The Women's Inter-Club Trophy. New Mid Shropshire Wheelers' member Becky Lewis made an immediate impact in 2017 snatching the Women's Best all rounder in the final event and putting in a dominant ride to take the Women's 50 Mile Trophy. Despite having a quiet year by her high standards Jenny York still managed to clinch The Brian and Gill Morrison 25 Mile Trophy, whilst Hafren CC's Emma Serjeant won the new Women's Hill Climb Shield in the final round of the Coaching Revolutions Hill Climb Series from York. The spread of the trophies shows just how competitive the Women's events have been in 2017.

    Bryn Davies wasn't the only rider to take home five awards with Sam Morris increasing his 2016 tally by two, including The Shropshire Junior Championship Shield and The Shropshire Star Junior Best all Rounder Trophy. He didn't have things quite all his own way however with Jack Young delighted to seal the Junior Inter-Club Trophy, and Matty Redworth winning the brand new Junior Hill Climb Shield.

    The Veteran's class is expanding as the boom in cycling has seen an increase in over-40's riding, with Stuart Proctor a first-time winner of both The Shropshire Veterans Championship Shield and The Veteran's Best all Rounder Trophy. Proctor has had a fine season and enjoyed his morning out to pick up these well-earned prizes. Ian Coupland meanwhile was the first name engraved on the Veteran's Hill Climb Shield.

    Meanwhile Kirk Vickers successfully defended his overall Hill Climb Championship and Road Race Championship, putting in dominant displays in 2017.

    The Team prizes are hotly contested with the 2-Up format particularly well received. Three pairs of awards saw Bryn Davies picking up his sixth trophy thanks to a successful defence in the Coaching Revolutions 2-Up Championship with partner Pete Thomas. Meanwhile Nova Raiders appear to have taken the format to their hearts with Jenny Newton and Jane Chapman also successfully defending the Women's 2-Up Championship whilst team mates Rachel Storey and Craig Howells joined the celebrations after taking the Mixed Team 2-Up Trophies. Nova Raiders were not finished there however, engraving the club's name for the first time on the John Farr 4-Up Shield as well as taking the County's Top Club Award by a huge points margin.

    Major prize winners:

    • Becky Lewis: Women's 50 mile Trophy and Women's Best all Rounder rose bowl
    • Bryn Davies: Freeston Trophy, Inter-Club Trophy, Jim Heath Trophy, President's Trophy and Shropshire Championship Shield; 
    • Emma Sergeant: Women's Hill Climb Trophy
    • Ian Coupland: Veterans Hill Climb Trophy
    • Jack Young: Junior Inter-Club Trophy
    • Jenny York: Brian and Gill Morrison Trophy
    • Kirk Vickers: Hill Climb Trophy and Road Race Trophy
    • Matt Gibbons: Gordon Davies Trophy
    • Matty Redworth: Juniors Hill Climb Trophy
    • Pauline Hughes: Shropshire Women's Championship Shield, Gordon Davies Women's Trophy, Women's 100 mile Trophy, Women's Inter-Club Trophy
    • Sam Morris: Buz Hughes Shield, Junior Best all Rounder Trophy, Shropshire Junior Championship Shield, Alan Roberts Junior Trophy, Jack Pitchford Trophy
    • Stuart Proctor: Shropshire Veterans Championship Shield and Veteran's Best all Rounder Trophy; 
    • Victor Chetta: 50 mile Trophy, Cliff Ash Best all Rounder Trophy, Jack Parker 100 mile Trophy.

    Team Awards:

    • Pete Thomas & Bryn Davies: 2-Up Trophies
    • Craig Howells & Rachel Storey: Mixed Team 2-Up Trophies
    • Jane Chapman & Jenny Newton: Women's 2-Up Trophies
    • Nova Raiders: John Farr 4-Up Shield and Top Club Award

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