Cycling Club

Wrekinsport Cycling Club

Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy and Procedures


Wrekinsport Cycling Club is committed to ensuring that everyone participating in cycling does so in a safe and enjoyable environment.

Wrekinsport Cycling Club recognises the policies of the National Governing Body, as set out in the ‘British Cycling Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy’.

This policy and supporting procedures set out a framework to fulfil our commitment to good practice and the protection of children in our care.

Children may be harmed in any environment, and those having regular contact with young people have a key role in putting their welfare first, adopting these practices that protect and support them.


  • ·        The welfare of children is paramount. (A child is defined by law in England and Wales as a person under the age of 18 years.)
  • ·        All children, regardless of their Age, Race, Religion or Belief, Disability, Gender identify or Sexual Orientation, have the right to protection from abuse.
  • ·        All concerns and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
  • ·        We recognise the authority of the statutory agencies, Working Together under the Children Act 2004, and any legislation and statutory guidance which supersedes these.
  • ·        Everyone will work in partnership to promote the welfare, health and development of children.
  • ·        Wrekinsport Cycling Club owes a legal duty of care to children on our premises or engaged in our activities.  That duty is to take reasonable care to ensure their reasonable safety, and the duty is higher than it would be for adults.


The overall aim of the policy is to ensure that everyone participating in the sport does so in a safe environment that supports children and young people to meet their potential

Wrekinsport CC will work to promote the principles of safeguarding children by:

  • ·        Reviewing policy and procedures every three years or whenever there is a major change in legislation or a significant organisational change
  • ·        Using appropriate recruitment procedures to assess the suitability of volunteers and staff working with children and young people in line with guidance from British Cycling.
  • ·        Following procedures to report welfare concerns and allegations about the behaviour of adults and ensuring that all staff, volunteers, officials, parents and participants, including children, are aware of these procedures.
  • ·        Directing staff, volunteers, coaches and officials to appropriate safeguarding training and learning opportunities, where this is appropriate to their role
  • ·        Acknowledging the additional vulnerability of some groups of children (e.g. disabled, looked after children, those with communication differences).  Ensuring that the environment is appropriate for the child and tailored to their needs
  • ·        Reassuring parents and carers that all children and young people will receive the best care possible whilst participating in club activities
  • ·        Ensuring that children and their parents/carers are informed and consulted and, where appropriate, full involved in decisions that affect them.
  • 1.      Mandatory Safeguarding Requirements for Clubs

Wrekinsport CC will comply with the British Cycling Mandatory Safeguarding Requirements set out below.

  • ·        Adopt and implement the British Cycling Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, ensuring that it is understood by all and procedures are put into practice
  • ·        Recruit, appoint, register and arrange for the training of a Club Welfare Officer (CWO) by British Cycling, with a clear role description who is the designated contact for Safeguarding issues
  • ·        Ensure that your Club Welfare Officer holds and current Disclosure and Barring Service check (DBS) through British Cycling
  • ·        Display and communicate the contact details for the Club Welfare Officer where possible
  • ·        Ensure that all those working or volunteering with children in Regulated Activity hold a current Disclosure and Barring Service Check (DBS) through British Cycling
  • ·        Display and communicate the clubs own safeguarding policy statement were possible
  • ·        Follow the British Cycling reporting procedures, referring all concerns and allegations to the British cycling Safeguarding Team

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